速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / Donkey Republic bike rental

Donkey Republic bike rental





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




Donkey Republic bike rental(圖1)-速報App

Donkey Republic is a self-service rental system, available in more than 50 cities, 24/7.

Use this app to find and unlock a Donkey near you. Simply connect to the electronic lock on the vehicle via Bluetooth on your smartphone. You can take short trips or even use the two-wheeler for multiple days. During the rental you can lock and unlock your Donkey as many times as you want, and use it as if it were yours.

If you are done riding, you must bring the Donkey to an available drop-off location, lock the vehicle and press 'End rental'. Drop-off locations are shown in the app with dark blue pins on the map.

Some of the features in the app:

• switch vehicles on the go, with a few taps

Donkey Republic bike rental(圖2)-速報App

• troubleshooting and customer support

• local membership if you regularly need Donkey rides

• e-bikes and trailers available in Berlin, soon coming to other cities too

Useful information:

We only need your GPS location to help our system locate the Donkey - this way helping you and the next rider to find it.

Donkey Republic bike rental(圖3)-速報App

In 2018 Donkey riders...

• Rode 2,4M kilometers on two wheels

• That is equivalent to more than 60 times around the Earth

• and three times to the moon and back (with a little detour)

Hooves up for another great year on two wheels!

Donkey Republic bike rental(圖4)-速報App

If you have questions or problems, you are always welcome to contact us at support@donkeyrepublic.com.

Donkey Republic bike rental(圖5)-速報App